Understanding the Different Forms of Abuse in Shared Custody Arrangements Sharing custody with an ex-partner can be challenging, even under the best circumstances. However, when there are issues of abuse involved, whether it's physical, emotional, or psychological,...
Compassionate, Understanding And
Willing To Fight For You
Ann Credle
Equitable Distribution
Equitable Distribution What is Equitable Distribution? Divorcing a spouse can be difficult not just because a marriage is coming to an end, but also due to all the legal steps you have to take during the process as well. One of these legal steps is equitable...
How to Get Ready For Your Court Date
How to Get Ready For Your Court Date Getting ready for court, whether it’s for a divorce, child custody, or alimony, is an important affair. It’s crucial that you present yourself in the best way possible in front of the Judge. Doing so can help your odds of winning...
Drug Abuse and Child Custody
Child custody cases can be emotionally challenging, especially when the well-being of a child is at stake. In North Carolina, like in many other jurisdictions, drug abuse by a parent can significantly impact custody decisions. The Courts extend the definition of drug abuse to alcohol, abuse of prescription medication, marijuana, and other illegal substances.
Child Support/Spousal Support
When going through a divorce or a custody battle, child support and spousal support will have to be determined.
Going From 50/50 to Full Custody
When sharing custody, if you’re concerned with the child’s safety, gaining full custody can be a challenging process. However, with the help of an attorney, the right documentation, and proper paperwork, you’ll give yourself the best chance of winning your case.
How to Share Custody with a Narcissist
How to Share Custody with a Narcissist What is a Narcissist? A narcissist is someone who has an inflated sense of self-importance. They are very manipulative and have a hard time caring about others. However, their manipulative trait is what can make them so appealing...
Child Custody Evaluation vs. Guardian Ad Litem Report
When determining custody, Guardian Ad Litem reports and Child Custody Evaluations can help a Judge make the decision about which parent is better fit to raise the child. While there are pros and cons to each, both can offer insight on the parents and child’s life.
Going From 50/50 to Full Custody
The Judge Ordered 50/50 Custody, Now What? When the Judge orders you to share 50/50 custody of your child, it means it’s in the child's best interest that both parents remain in the child’s life. Just because the other parent has a bad attitude, gets on your nerves,...