Child custody evaluations and Guardian ad litem reports are in-depth evaluations into the lives of the parents and children and can both prove highly influential in Court. If you’re struggling to hold the other side accountable for their actions or you feel the other parent is unfit to be raising the child, these evaluations can help prove your point. While the Judge will take them seriously, there are some things to consider about both.
Child Custody Evaluation
What is a Child Custody Evaluation?
A child custody evaluation is an in-depth evaluation conducted to determine custodial rights of the parties’ minor children. This is done by an evaluator appointed by the Judge and includes:
- Interviews with the minor children, parents, and necessary third parties including grandparents, doctors, teachers, etc.
- Psychological evaluations
- A review of all medical, school, and CPS records
- Drug screens
How They Can Help In Court
In a perfect world, everyone going through this process would be able to receive a child custody evaluation. They are able to dig deep into the families lives and select the best custodial schedule for the minor children. However, these evaluations can be quite pricey, running anywhere from $6,000-15,000. They can also take a while to complete, making them hard to finish if trial is coming up.
This being said, if it’s within your means to get one, they can help your case more than anything else. The Judge will take child custody evaluations very seriously and will most likely agree with whatever the evaluation decides on.
Guardian Ad Litem Report
What is a Guardian Ad Litem Report?
Similar to a child custody evaluation, these reports will:
- Interview the minor children, parents, and necessary third parties including grandparents, doctors, teachers, etc.
- Review of all medical, school, and CPS records
- Conduct drug screens
Unlike the child custody evaluation, the guardian ad litem will not have the psychological evaluation which can sometimes be a crucial part.
How It Can Help In Court
While guardian ad litems won’t have the psychological component, they can still help you build a strong case in Court. They’re also significantly cheaper with prices varying from $2,000-8,000. It can still be pricey, but is a lot more affordable to those who may need it.
An important aspect of both the guard ad litems and child custody evaluations is that the Court will get to hear the child’s thoughts without having them testify. This can be crucial in painting an honest narrative in your favor.
If you’re going through a child custody battle and are considering a guardian ad litem report or child custody evaluation to help build a strong case, always speak with your attorney about which option is the best fit for you. After that, they can enter the appropriate motions to the Court who will then assign evaluators and determine how the payment will be fulfilled.
If you’re in need of a family law attorney in North Carolina, please visit or call 919-213-7449 for a free consultation.